
everyone can contribute

These are some of the positions where we could use your skills and time:

  • Communications (more info)
  • Sponsoring
  • Grant writing
  • President
  • Newsletter
  • Donors relationships
  • Outreach (schools, philanthropic organizations…)

Together we fight poverty, offer a future to the most destitute children in Cambodia and give them back their smile!

organize a small event at home / at school

  • Organize “home presentation” parties to find new sponsors. We have a short movie specially designed for that type of event
  • A member of the board can join you on a video call and answer questions from your guests
  • Rice bowl, read-a-thons, walk-a-thon at school
  • Fundraising events: sales, concert, plays, …

Volunteer six months in phnom penh – cambodia

Our previous volunteers (more info)

Volunteer now to help give Cambodian children a future. Wherever you are, you can make a difference.
