Hairdressers for PSE (2020)
Hairdressers from three different salons in San Mateo County offered to donate some of their very useful and expensive tools to the students of the hairdressing school. These tools will be donated to young graduates from the hairdressing school to help them get started in their new career.

IPAD Donations from ISTP (2018)
ISTP donated 40 iPads 20 were repurposed with apps to teach maths in the remedial school and 20 as self-service tools for research in the Library.

Recycle for a Child’s Smile (2016 to 2020)
Each empty can or bottle is worth 5 cents. By doing the same thing as children scavenging in the streets in Cambodia, California students returning empty beverage containers to redemption centers raised $8,000. This is equivalent to financing school meals for one week for 4,000 students!