Talent show at Lycee Francais raises $3,200 for PSE (2019)
The Bay Area is home to the U.S. based chapter of PSE, and we are so proud that we have found support for our work from the Lycee Francais de San Francisco. This year, the school that puts on an annual talent show donated $3,200 in proceeds from the event held earlier this month. Funds will go to PSE’s boarding school program in Phnom Penh. The program serves 500 children and students in Vocational training school.
A big thank you to all the students for their talented performances, the school for its support and the organization team for choosing PSE. We are so proud to partner with you and look forward to seeing you next year.

Speaker at the 14th Annual Khmer (2018) Student Coalition Conference
Topic: “What does it take to run a successful NGO?” (November 2018)
Check out the 5 keypoints highlighted by PSE during the 14th Annual Khmer Students Conference :
- 1- Local Khmer leadership (95% of all staff members)
- 2- Committed volunteers (over 300 in 26 chapters worldwide)
- 3- Holistic education (beyond schooling…)
- 5- Very low overhead costs (under 10%)
PSE US Chapter was happy to run this workshop with KSCC
v4- Pragmatic approach (support services , food, health…)
– Thank you for the invitation !
This is the link to the KSCC official page for more information :https://www.facebook.com/events/1886760261417336/

Screening of Les Pépites (Little Gems), October 2018
At the International School of the Peninsula in Palo Alto. Thank you to all of those who were able to join and support the cause !
A special thank you to Yarith Phay, French Cambodian, for his personal testimony and to Emma Gourand, ISTP Alumni, who shared her concrete actions to support PSE.
Thank you ISTP for your hospitality. Thank you Brioche Pasquier for sponsoring the event.

Screening of Les Pepites (little Gems) and “Palm Tree” , September 2018
At the Cambodia Town Film Festival, Long Beach, California. Cambodia Town Film Festival, downtown Long Beach has a few regular sponsors including Angelina Jolie and Ellen Wong. The Khmer Arts Academy presented a beautiful dance.
“Palm Tree” was among a selection of 8 short movies. “Palm Tree” is a short movie prepared by the students and teachers of PSE School of Media
“Little Gems” was the first of 7 feature movies and documentaries screened during the week-end. It was a great way to connect with the Cambodian American community.

Screening of Les Pepites was well attended at le Lycee Francais on March 9, 2018
Volunteers had prepared a delicious buffet and students from Berkeley Cambodian Association even made the long trip despite foul weather.Thanks to the funds raised we are now closer to reaching our $20.000 goal to support 50 children for a year in PSE boarding program

Screening of “Little Gem/ the Pepites” march 2017 at the French Embassy, Washington DC
It was a great event and a great success too! We are very grateful to the Cultural Services of the Embassy who made that event possible .
About 300 people attended the screening.
The result of the fundraising are almost 8.000 dollars and 8 sponshorships.

Screening of “Les Pepites”, at United Nations Headquarters in New York, March 2017
The event was a great success, with tickets sold out over a week before the projection. Approximately 570 people attended the event, including our special guests, Marie-France, Leakhana and Bertrand des Pallières. The French Ambassador to the UN, as well as a Cambodian official, both shared kind words of support for the documentary, and their great respect and admiration for the work of PSE in Cambodia.
At the end of the movie, there was a standing ovation, followed by a question & answers session with the des Pallières.
Thank you to Carina de Naurois, of French Movie Nights, for her invaluable help organizing this event.

Bake sale, 2017
Children From Silicon Valley French Catholic group organised a bake sale after mass and raised $326 on behalf of PSE – That amount will be doubled by a matching contribution from Google The same group had already baked and sold “galettes des rois” in January.
Congratulations and thanks to all who contributed!